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PANAVIA Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century

PANAVIA Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century

 PANAVIA Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century


Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century

by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard

Sized A4 landscape, softcover, English and German text, 208 pages of content, full colour, over 750 images

This walk around details the current status of the Panavia Tornado IDS in Luftwaffe service. In the book the reader will find a 5000 word introductionary text, describing the development and the most recent technical changes to the swing wing fighter-bomber. This is followed by 40 pages of action photographs divided by units. Over 140 pages are dedicated to the modeler and contain the following:

- radar

- cockpits

- landing gear

- engines

- most recent armament

- fuselage details

- camouflage schemes

- 1/48 scale drawings


We are especially proud of the fact that we were able to provide the only correct scale drawings ever published in 1/48. These drawings are based on dimensions taken from Tornado IDS 44+97, an aircraft of Aufklärungsgeschwader 51 'Immelmann', which had a landing accident at Mazzar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan in 2010. The aircraft is now on display at Deutsche Museum/Flugwerft Oberschleißheim near Munich and accurate measurements were taken to scale on November 3, 2011. During this process it was found out that the overall length of the Tornado, including pitot tube, is 17.23m. This data was confirmed by technical staff of JaboG 33 and the Luftwaffe Public relations Office and therefore contradicts all previously published data, including the official PANAVIA website, which incorrectly states the length of the Tornado IDS/G$.4 to be 16.72m.

This is an absolute must have for the "Tonka, Toni, Klappdrachen" or simply Tornado fan.

Panavia Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century (Aircraft References for Enthusiasts and Modelers No 1) [Klein, Gerard] on *FREE ,Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard English and German text, 208 pages of content, full colour, over 750 , The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century current status of the Panavia Tornado IDS in Luftwaffe ,The Panavia Tornado is a family of it is planned to replace the Tornado IDS/ECR fleet in Italian service with the Luftwaffe Tornado ECR participating in ,This walk around details the current status of the Panavia Tornado IDS in Luftwaffe service. In the book the reader will find a 5000 word introductionary text , the Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st century. Panavia Tornado: the Tornado IDS/ECR the Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st century.,29.95EUR FT 001: Panavia TORNADO - The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century - Incl. accurate 1/48 Scale Drawings [228102],FT 001 AirDOC Panavia Tornado in scale : The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Panavia Tornado The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century ,Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard Sized A4 landscape, softcover, English and German text, 208 pages of ,Panavia Tornado The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century. by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard


  • -Verkaufsrang: #797865 in Bücher
  • Veröffentlicht am: 2011-11
  • Anzahl der Produkte: 11
  • Einband: Taschenbuch
  • 208 Seiten

Panavia Tornado by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard Book
Panavia Tornado The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century. by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard

FT001 Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) - The little Shop of
Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard Sized A4 landscape, softcover, English and German text, 208 pages of

Panavia Tornado by Andreas Klein - Christian Gerard | Book
FT 001 AirDOC Panavia Tornado in scale : The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Panavia Tornado The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century

FT 001: Panavia TORNADO - The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe
29.95EUR FT 001: Panavia TORNADO - The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century - Incl. accurate 1/48 Scale Drawings [228102]

Panavia Tornado: the Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the
the Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st century. Panavia Tornado: the Tornado IDS/ECR the Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st century.

Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century
This walk around details the current status of the Panavia Tornado IDS in Luftwaffe service. In the book the reader will find a 5000 word introductionary text

Panavia Tornado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Panavia Tornado is a family of it is planned to replace the Tornado IDS/ECR fleet in Italian service with the Luftwaffe Tornado ECR participating in

Panavia Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the
The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century current status of the Panavia Tornado IDS in Luftwaffe

Panavia Tornado - Bookworld Wholesale
Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century by Andreas Klein and Christian Gerard English and German text, 208 pages of content, full colour, over 750

Panavia Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the
Panavia Tornado: The Tornado IDS/ECR (Luftwaffe) in the 21st Century (Aircraft References for Enthusiasts and Modelers No 1) [Klein, Gerard] on *FREE

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